Scripture: Acts 2:1-13
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Aposteljeschicht 1:8
oba wan de Heilja Jeist äwa junt komen woat, woa jie Krauft kjrieen, un jie woaren miene Zeijen sennen, en Jerusalem, en gaunz Judäa, en Samaria, un äwa de gaunze Welt.
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Proverbs 31:25-31
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Scripture: 1 Tim. 1:5 “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure
heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6 Certain persons, by
swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, 7 desiring to
be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying
or the things about which they make confident assertions….18 This charge I
entrust to you, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophecies
previously made about you, that by them you may wage the good
warfare, 19 holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some
have made shipwreck of their faith,”
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1 Petrus 5:8
“Siet derchjedocht un waka, wiels jun Jäajna, de beesa Fient, schlikjt sikj
rom aus een brellenda Leiw un sieekjt no wäm, dän hee verieten kaun.”
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Matthew 6:26-34
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Scripture: Spricha 16:18
“Wäa stolt es, jeit en de Grunt, un huachnäsich sennen kjemt ver
däm faulen.”
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